Tent OX News

Andy Mattrick Joins Tent OX Executive Management Team

By jay / November 18, 2021 / Comments Off on Andy Mattrick Joins Tent OX Executive Management Team

Hires Andy Mattrick as General Manager Tent OX LLC, a leading mechanization vendor serving the Tent and Event industry, has expanded its management team, appointing Andy Mattrick as General Manager. Mattrick comes to Tent OX from Event Central, a leading central Pennsylvania commercial tent and event rental company based in Mechanicsburg, PA. He began his…

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Long-Term Impact of Global Hiring Shortages on Small Business

By jay / October 24, 2021 / Comments Off on Long-Term Impact of Global Hiring Shortages on Small Business

And what you can do about it! As we reach the end of the season for most tent and event installations, now is the best time for businesses to turn their attention to the status of next year’s crew personnel needs and determine what gaps they will need to fill. The job market remains a…

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Importance of Buying Ahead in a Post-Pandemic Economy

By jay / October 1, 2021 / Comments Off on Importance of Buying Ahead in a Post-Pandemic Economy

In the last three weeks, you’ve probably heard about retailers deciding to start Christmas sales really early, meaning some time this month. Those retailers are not crying wolf. Rather, they’re about to come up short trying to stock their shelves for the December rush. To avoid buyer disappointment their best solution is to buy earlier.…

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From Zero to a Fleet of 4 Machines In One Year

By jay / August 26, 2021 / Comments Off on From Zero to a Fleet of 4 Machines In One Year

HOW EVENTQUIP’S QUEST FOR PRODUCTIVITY LED IT TO TENT OX. EventQuip of Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania https://www.eventquip.com/ is one of the biggest success stories in the tent rental sector. For 27 years it has concentrated on tent rentals, lighting, staging, power, floors, and climate control, working closely with other vendors who provide complementary services for event solutions…

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Memorial Day 2021

By jay / May 22, 2021 / Comments Off on Memorial Day 2021

Raise the flag. Say a word of thanks. Memorial Day tends to arrive just as warmer weather becomes more of a constant rather than a variable. As we approach Summer, we take a moment during the Memorial Day weekend to think of parents, grandparents, sons and daughters, co-workers, relatives and friends who have served our…

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labor shortage in 2021 are making it harder for Tent and Event companies to hire adequate staff

How to Save Labor Costs When Labor Is Hard To Find

By jay / April 21, 2021 / Comments Off on How to Save Labor Costs When Labor Is Hard To Find

Dozens of mid-April labor news reports like this one warn that rehiring labor this spring and summer will be harder than ever. The shortage is due in part to lingering fears of Covid exposure and additional circumstances that may delay returns to work. As a result, event company owners may find it harder to attract…

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Maintenance Is The Key To a Trouble-free Tenting Season

By jay / February 8, 2021 / Comments Off on Maintenance Is The Key To a Trouble-free Tenting Season

Very few people know more about what goes into a Tent OX System than Lewis Nolt of Nolt’s Power Equipment, located in Shippensburg, PA. Lewis has partnered closely with Tent OX with founder and CEO Scott Woodruff in the design and build process for Tent OX’s range of attachments, which are manufactured not far from…

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A Tale of Three Tent Companies

By andy / August 24, 2020 / Comments Off on A Tale of Three Tent Companies

How each has navigated the COVID-19 pandemic with Tent OX Though we have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have also all been impacted uniquely. The same is true of tent businesses. As events were wiped off calendars overnight, we all had to find our footing while making some tough decisions. Now with…

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Four Lessons I Learned About Building Great Tent Crews

By Jay Woodruff / March 9, 2020 / Comments Off on Four Lessons I Learned About Building Great Tent Crews

Take a look at what Saroj Bains, an executive at Event Labor Works – one of North America’s premier event labor companies – has learned about building top-notch tent crews. Tent installation crews are a crazy quilt of personalities, capabilities and potential. That is why it’s no easy task to organize a crew of diverse…

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