What Would John Henry Think of the OX Driver?
I kind of wonder what John Henry would think of the OX Driver…

From the tale of John Henry “The Steel Drivin’ Man”
The tale of John Henry was about the competition between machine and man. The railroad was starting to develop machines that would reduce their cost per mile to install track by designing machines to perform many tasks. The railroad brought in a steam driven rail pin driver which would ultimately save the railroads thousands of dollars per day.
Fast forward to 2014, the OX Driver is designed to help tent companies to install tents faster and safer by putting the repetitive tasks like stake driving in the hands of a machine and operator.
In the same way the Railroads thought in terms of “cost per mile” when controlling costs, tent rental companies think in terms of “labor as a percentage of sales”.
Since I started marketing the Tent OX to the Rental Industry, I have learned there is no limit to the number of different ways people drive tent stakes:
– sledge hammer
– 90# and 60# air breaker (and air compressor)
– gas/oil drivers by Atlas Copco, Wacker and others
– Stanley hydraulic post driver (and power pack)
– electric breakers by Bosch Brute, Wacker and others (and generator)
– Bobcat with concrete breaker
– Rhino driver (the newest entrant)
It is very possible that the Bobcat could drive a stake faster (at twice the weight)
And some stake drivers are really easy to transport (Sledge, gas/oil,Rhino)
But I truly believe the Tent OX is the safest system available on the market today for one man to drive 240 stakes per hour. And once the operator finishes driving a few hundred stakes, he takes a quick break, takes 3 minutes to change from the OX Driver to the OX Push and goes back to push the center poles without breaking a sweat.
The Tent OX builds a series of 6 specialized tools around the needs of an industry for the purpose of reducing labor so you can redeploy your people to other revenue producing opportunities.[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” interval=”3″ images=”90,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,180,181,182,183″ onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self” title=”Click image to enlarge”][/vc_column][/vc_row]