Ultimate performer for the biggest events

"More power in large structure and pole tent installations."
The 860i is the first available loader within a new, larger Avant* 800 Series of machines launched recently, first publicly shown in Nov. 2019 at MATRA The Tent Show. Choose the 860i when the workload requirements of your highest-volume tent installation jobs – including materials lifting and handling – exceed the high capabilities of the 700 Series range.
The 860i is an ultra-high performer, powering through 60 meter clearspan installs and easily managing 120’ wide pole tents. And like other Avant loaders used in the Tent OX System, you can count on the 860i to shave hours off each install, driving up to 240 stakes/hour, pulling structure roof panels 50% faster and pushing even the biggest center poles effortlessly in 20-30 seconds.**

The big player for the high production
Compared to the next largest 700 series machines, the 860i delivers 600 lbs more lifting capacity, a 15” higher reach and a slightly higher top speed. This will help shorten tasks like unloading and transporting tent materials, moving ballast blocks and more. You can transfer loads from truck to tent site at speeds up to 18.5 mph while maintaining excellent control over the load. Like all Avant loaders, with their extremely low centers of gravity, a trained, skilled operator can negotiate curbs and track over uneven terrain with confidence.**
Other features include:
- Go where traditional loaders cannot travel. Oversized turf tires distribute the weight of 800 series machines so effectively that operators can drive over lawns, paths and irregular surfaces that other machines would be banned from.
- Fastest materials movement. A single operator can move well over a ton of tent materials at a time, more than 25 BilJax® or Granite® decks, in excess of 2400 lbs of ballast, four 700 lb Block and Roll® ballast blocks, or tall stacks of chairs and tables. Tent OX effectively eliminates strenuous hand carries so your crew can log shorter times on site and remain fresh for other work.
- A seriously powerful mobile hydraulic power plant. The 860i has a big appetite for heavy workloads. It never tires during continuous stake driving or while roof panel pulling on big clear span jobs with double and triple decker structures. Experience the power and stability of hydrostatic, articulated four-wheel drive as it routinely pushes even the biggest center poles with ease.
- Costs less to transport. It’s a big loader, but it still weighs far less than traditional loaders with equal lift capacity. Check with us for trailering recommendations.
- Efficiency equals higher profits. 800 series machines can pay for itself in 3-5 years when used to full advantage. It reduces the total crew hours on a job site to slash labor costs job after job. It’s the key making your profits climb.
- Crew morale gets a boost. With Tent OX on staff, event company owners report that retention rates and moraleclimb, while worker compensation claims fall. A single Tent OX operator, wielding the machine and attachments, can work much faster to complete the most strenuous and sometimes dangerous tasks, like, staking and stake removal, pulling roof panels, pushing center poles, materials movement and distribution. Crew members are freed to tackle all the tasks that Tent OX cannot do.
*Tent OX includes Avant Tecno articulated loaders as an integral part of your Tent OX System Solution purchase. All Tent OX attachments are engineered and tested specifically for use on these articulated loaders. Tent OX provides full training on the use of the loader and the attachments with the purchase of a complete Tent OX System.Static measurements intended to point out the relative performance of the 860i over the 760i. Working lifting capacity on the job will usually be somewhat lower than the static load capacity.
**About Tent OX Performance Claims: Tent OX is routinely used to install the products of about 20 tent manufacturers offering many, widely varying styles of tents varying in weight and design, and this can impact Tent OX performance. Performance is also impacted by variable soil conditions, slope, wind and water factors. Performance claims made by Tent OX represent capabilities described in feedback by hundreds of companies using the systems. One valuable public resource for asking performance-based questions is the Facebook site “Tent OX Fan Page” where many of our customer will answer brand or job specific questions in a public forum.