“Mission Accomplished” when Leverage One Events Acquires a Tent OX

Leverage One Events and Tent Rentals is a Dallas, Texas company that knows a thing or two about running successful events. Company co-owner Wilmer Solorzano, who brings 25 years’ experience to his company, used a Tent OX as a major mechanization tool at a national tent and event company, and he loved how much labor it saved. But when the company folded in 2017, Wilmer joined a Dallas-based tent and event company that had no experience with how much labor would be saved by acquiring a Tent OX.
“I knew that the company was spending over $250,000 a year only on renting forklifts, where a Tent OX at the time cost $75,000,” Wilmer explains. “I said to the CEO, ‘Don’t look at Tent OX just as a piece of equipment for putting up tents. It moves materials too. Every time you think of renting a forklift, use the Tent OX instead, and – also – take advantage of its ability to also drive and pull stakes, as well as pulling structure tops.’ “

That disagreement stuck with him when left the company four years ago to start Leverage One with business partner Cindy Stokes Estes. As a result, getting a Tent OX became a personal target as they built the new business around structure tents. “In November 2021, when I bought a Tent OX System based on the Avant 735, it was “mission accomplished.”
Even though the Tent OX System arrived late in 2021, Leverage One wasted no time taking it out frequently so the crews could gain familiarity with its many functions. “I nearly always bring the Tent OX, even if we may not use all of the attachments on smaller jobs, so the crew gets used to it,” Wilmer points out. “We did an event with two hundred 500 lb blocks with Tent OX, and I can’t tell exactly how quickly we moved them, but it was faster. We were on site only six hours. I don’t see why the biggest tent and event companies, who use a lot of blocks, haven’t picked up on Tent OX.”
“No-brainer” purchase decision makes crew happy, causes less tent wear and tear. “Tent OX is a real morale booster,” Wilmer points out. “When we first took it along to do a tent, the crew could see we were investing in the equipment to make their jobs easier. Even on small jobs we take it anyway, using the fork attachment to unload and move materials. It’s a no-brainer. I just have to have it on the job, and we get the job done faster.”

Another benefit: the crew tends to be more careful with tent materials when using Tent OX, because the machine has ended both the heavy lifting and general frustration of carrying everything by hand. “They know we want our tents to be usable for 10 years. Instead of carrying them by hand and dropping them to the floor, the Tent OX fork attachment does the lifting and puts them down gently.”
Buying the Tent OX was personal. “When Cindy and I started the company, I knew Tent OX was the right tool for the job. Now, the company I previously worked for has asked me if they can use the machine. I say, ‘Absolutely, I will rent it to you, with my driver who has been trained to use it,’ and they’re totally OK with that.”

Even though Leverage One is at the very beginning of its journey with Tent OX, Wilmer never had any question about whether it would be of benefit to his company. “I’ve been happy with your product,” he says. “Very, very happy. I look forward to continuing to work with you guys.”