OX Stake Driver™ Tips and Techniques
Tent OX/s OX Stake Driver promises the fastest possible stake driving, but you can further reduce the time associated with this task with a little forethought, before the actual stake driving begins.
Stake in a straight line. When staking a pole tent, the foreman should prepare the site so the operator can address each line of stakes, moving forward from the beginning to the end of the stake line, pounding the set of stakes on a stake bar and driving straight forward over the driven stakes to drive the next set. By staking in a straight line, the operator won’t need to turn or adjust the approach to each stake until reaching the end of the line, increasing the number of stakes driven per minute. Watch this video example of straight-line staking using the OX Stake Driver.
Drive stakes straight down. It may not seem to matter how carefully you drive the stakes as long as you're getting them in. But if your operator is told to drive them in perpendicular to the ground, your crew will be able to remove them more quickly when tit returns to take the tent down. Driving stakes in at an angle should be limited to the small percentage of time when it cannot be avoided, like when staking near installed door units or sidewalls, at the end of an install.
Position materials for operator efficiency. A savvy operator or tent foreman can add massive time savings by organizing the site so it is never necessary to stop and dismount. Materials like ratchets, bins and poles should be placed so the operator operate efficiently. Notice every time the machine has to stop, evaluate the reason for it and tell the crew to make adjustments to the way they lay things out to reduce work time on the next job. Once that crew is trained where to place material, the operator works faster and the job is completed sooner
Power levels and noise protection
In the clay and shale underneath topsoil conditions we find near Tent OX headquarters in Pennsylvania, the OX Driver can pound stakes very quickly (8 – 12 seconds each) at 50% power, keeping engine noise to a minimum. Driving into more resistant surfaces, including blacktop or rocky soil, may require more power, and the impact of the hammer is always loud if you are driving stakes. We strongly recommend that operators and stake handlers assisting with stake driving wear ear protection to prevent hearing loss.
Fast Learning Curve
It takes about 30 minutes for new operators to achieve 80% efficiency, driving up to three stakes a minute into blacktop and as many as four into grass. After three hours efficiency can rise to 95%, the and the operator will be piloting the articulated loader and OX Driver like a veteran, driving four-five stakes a minute into blacktop and as many as six a minute into grass.
As with all power equipment, some operators can extract more performance from their machinery than others, but the Tent OX System is more intuitive than most, so even less talented crew members can nearly match the performance of an expert. Regardless of experience, they can all be safe. Always belt up!